Shelter is considered as one of the physiological needs as proposed by Abraham Maslow. For the outdoor lovers, camping tents mainly solve this. This brings us to campsites. Even with a suitable shelter and sleep system, it is difficult to sleep well at a low-quality campsite. You may struggle to get comfortable on hard-packed ground, to tune out a chronic snorer 15-foot away, or to relax if high winds are knocking your shelter around. A good campsite is a prerequisite for a night of quality rest, so it is important to be deliberate and selective about where you sleep. Below are basic guidelines to find a site and get a good night's sleep while you are exploring the outdoors.
Finding a General Location Halfway through your day, at the latest, you should begin to consider where you might camp that night. On a map, look for places that are:
Before setting up a multi-person shelter, you can have everyone lie in their proposed spots and adjust until they are comfortable. Deciding on a Specific Spot Once you have selected a general area, try finding a specific campsite that is:
Once you have identified a potential spot, you can lie down to make sure it's comfortable. If it is, mark the location of your feet and head with small rocks, so you can pitch your shelter over the exact location. If it is not, try different positions or a different spot. Given the importance of your campsite to your sleep, it is worth being fussy (hehe). There are five important factors of wilderness survival to take into account to stay safe and stay comfortable. The five factors include wind, water, widow makers, wood, and wildlife. These factors are referred to as the “5 W's.” Some don’ts in camping. Do not camp on fragile vegetation or flowers. Try not to camp on fragile mosses, rare alpine plants, or flowers in ecologically sensitive areas, especially areas with very short growing seasons. If these plants are damaged, they may not survive the winter.